Reflections is a nationwide arts appreciation and recognition program for students, sponsored by the National PTA. It consists of six categories: dance, film, literature, music, photography, and visual arts. Student Reflections’ entries are first judged by the local PTA unit, and if selected, will represent our school at the council and district PTA levels.
Reflections 2024-2025 Theme:
Accepting Imperfections . .
The 2024-2025 Reflections Arts Program celebrating student creativity is now underway. All students attending University High School There is also an Accessible Art Division, an option for students with disabilities who receive services under IDEA or ADA.
Awards are given at the local, regional, state and national level. This year's theme is “Accepting Imperfections". Showcase your talents and submit your entries online by October 15 at 3pm.
All entries will be accepted online in electronic/digital format only.
Click the following link to complete and submit the entry form online:
(Please note that all entries must be submitted via this online form and must not exceed 1GB in file size.)
Click the following link(s) for the rules:
For further information, visit: any question, please email Veronica Sampietro at reflections@universityhighptsa.o